
As an instructional designer, I am motivated by the opportunity to make a real difference in how people acquire and retain knowledge and skills. I leverage my expertise to address and solve business challenges by crafting unique and impactful learning experiences that engage and empower learners.

Explore my portfolio where you’ll find a carefully curated collection of instructional materials I’ve designed and developed to help bridge knowledge gaps and enhance business performance. Discover how I can help you design and deliver engaging learning experiences that deliver high-quality results!

Each section of this portfolio demonstrates my commitment to empowering learners by incorporating adult learning principles, ensuring that every educational experience is tailored to the specific goals of the client and needs of the learner. I strive to infuse each project with a blend of creativity and clear, consistent content to craft innovative solutions that make the learning journey effective and enjoyable.

Click the images below to view the projects.

Collaboration, communication, and fostering meaningful relationships are at the heart of my design process. This collaborative mindset enables every part of the learning solution to align with organizational goals and follows adult learning principles to put the learner front and center.

Meet with key stakeholders and SMEs to identify and discuss business needs and goals, performance gaps, the specific target audience, the overarching purpose
of the training, and the desired outcomes.

Draft and submit design documents and storyboards for review, iterative revisions, and approval. Ensure that the content aligns with the training objectives and organizational needs.

Create learning materials based on design specifications. Apply rigorous quality assurance measures to evaluate readability, functionality, and precise alignment with learning objectives across all developed solutions.

Determine the success of the learning solution post-implementation. Gather learner data from feedback, assessments, and observation of desired behavior changes to inform the design of future courses and ensure a continuous cycle of improvement.

Enhancing business performance by empowering learners.